
Created by Janet 14 years ago
As a child he first lived on Hamilton Avenue, in Stottfield Royton, where his Grandparents lived and his Aunty Kit and Cousin Doris around the corner, who he used to visit, without permission off Mum and frequently undressed on the way. Leaving a trail of clothes , (thats how Mum knew where he had toddled off to!) He was a darling child and an even more Darling Husband and Father, Always providing help and support to his younger siblings and other fanmily members, he was the rock of the family, who all turned to him in times of trouble. After leaving school, he became an apprentice at Avro - then moved to South Africa with the family in 1970 working for a government aerospace company. on his return to England he went back to Avro (British Aerospace) where he stayed until early retirement at 50 years. Still not content with DIY and the easy life , he sought work with B & Q as a van driver and then worked for an agency, where his first job was "shovelling prunes" nothing ever stopped Pete, a great provider and supportive Hubby and fantastic loving affectionate and funny Father to his daughters Cathy and Joe. Wendy his wife and sweetheart of 35 years, whome he met on a blind date in the 70's was never apart from Pete, they were in fact joined at the hip, travelling together, they camped in France, and shared time in their Time share all over the world. An avid City fan, he used to bribe his little sisters Jean and Jan to be City fans, and his little brother Dave used to also bribe them with anglo bubblies, the bubble blowing contests could end in disaster with the bubble (as big as two heads) busting all over petes hair and beard. It took Mum weeks to get it out. Hanging about in the ginnel at Bamford St. with his mates, It was off limits for his little sister Janet, who used to get Picked up by the ears if she did not stop bugging him and his mates finny and Lordy.